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Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?


If you or a loved one has been harmed as the result of a medical professional’s negligence, you may be entitled to medical malpractice recovery. Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional fails to follow medical communities’ established practices, procedures and or guidelines that are used to diagnose, treat or care for a patient.

Your case will only be considered medical malpractice if the following occurred:

• Medical standards are violated – It is a patient’s right to assume that health care professionals will provide acceptable medical treatment that is consistent with the recognized standards in their field of medicine. A violation can be established if these recognized standards have not been met.
• Negligence caused the injury – A health care professional having breached a standard of medical care is not the only factor to a medical malpractice lawsuit. The patient must also prove that their injury is a result of the medical professional’s negligence.
• Significant damages occurred – The patient must show that their injury caused them either loss of income, disability or unreasonable pain and suffering.

Andrew Burnett has represented numerous clients in Maryland who have fallen victim of the effects of medical malpractice. Andrew recognizes the significant toll a medical malpractice case can take on your physical health, mental health, and your quality of life. Contact Potter Law, LLC today for a free consultation if you believe you or a loved one have fallen victim to medical malpractice.